I'm back to tell you literally nothing again (what a surprise)

So, it only seems fitting to follow my last blog post about procrastination and naps with one about being less selfish. Well, it doesn't seem like the greatest idea but when has that ever stopped me?
Because there is this thing. That has started to bother me somewhat. I'm only twenty-two, let's just make that clear from the get-go (even though I'm pretty sure we all know that by now). But moving on - I'm sick of people saying that your twenties are your "selfish years." Why our twenties? And why are we giving our selfish behaviors an excuse? Our human nature naturally wants to be selfish, it isn't a characteristic we need to be encouraging, it does perfectly fine on its own. We go from our teenage years, which is when our brains can't really even comprehend other people, to the beginning of becoming an adult or something like a functioning human. Why are we being told to start off our adult years selfishly? We've already had plenty of that being teenagers. Once we reach our twenties I think we should be encouraging people to be more generous. It's a beautiful time to invest in other people, to build better friendships with people, to be involved with family and to be helpful to others. We should be starting our twenties with the attitude of setting up our lives for the rest of our lives. So don't be selfish, make a new friend, invest in people so that by the time you're in your thirties and life is getting hard and you're old and have less free time and a not so disposable income you have people around you that will keep you happy and grounded. All because you weren't selfish with your youthful years. 
Selfish people in their twenties, become selfish old people who are cranky and have nothing better to do than complain about wasted years and how they should have done less for others because look at all the misery it caused them later on. It's all a hoax. The less selfish you are, the more joy you can feel. Because life is so much more enjoyable when there are people around that love you and want to spend time with you. We were made as social beings, and the easiest time for us to develop deep and lifelong relationships are in our twenties, but we can't do that if we're too busy only looking after ourselves.

I'm saying this mostly as a reminder to myself because it's easy to get caught up in selfish habits. Also, I hate making new friends. The ones I have now are surely enough. But no, we should always be striving to be kind, and helpful and supportive to anyone who needs it. Especially in our younger years when we have minimal responsibility and our time is practically endless because all we do is work and binge watch tv shows.
I think I'm getting repetitive now, but who proofreads a blog post? Not me that is fo' sure.
Long ramble short, do more for others while you still can. Be less selfish, it makes us happier beings in the long run.
Uhh, ya so that's all I've got to say... 


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