The Perfection of Beauty - Part One(?)

 What's that? I can't hear you over all this procrastinating.. 
Did I title this blog post after a Shai Linne song? Yes, indeed I did. You're welcome.

Anyway, I've got more thoughts I'd like to ramble about today. So thanks for joining, feel free to leave whenever you want - unless you're offended. You have to stay and embrace the offence. Duh.

Well, this morning as I was doing a workout before I had done my Bible reading I began thinking about why I do the things that I do. What are my intentions? Why do I do exercise? I hate running, why put myself through that sort of torture when I could just have a nap? And y'know what? Examining yourself like that is no fun. Because you always notice that you're probably wasting your time and using your energy, time and money on idle, perishable things. Exercising is good for us and as Christians we're told to look after our bodies as they are temples to be used to worship the Lord. It keeps us healthy and gives us endorphins and those are great. But let me ask you, what is the heart reason for you to be exercising? If you're like me you might recognise that your motives are selfish.

But, this isn't just about exercise. This is about everything. Every single way you spend your time. How are you using the time that you have been given to glorify God? Mans chief end is to glorify God. The purpose of the human race is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. How are we using what we've been given to glorify our Creator? 

I was thinking about the lyrics from Shai Linnes song, "The Perfection of Beauty," and was thinking about all the thousands of dollars I have spent on makeup, clothes and gym memberships. Have I been using these things to glorify God, or to satisfy my sinful and prideful heart? I've just been fueling my own self-glory. So, since I've been convicted, it seemed only right to write a blog and share my convictions and hopefully encourage others to examine themselves. Why do you do the things you do? What are your priorities? Are you seeking selfish gain or are you seeking to honour and glorify God and in doing so enjoy Him?

Why am I writing a blog? I'm obviously procrastinating which is not good, but I am also trying to refine my rambling skills to encourage and challenge other believers. So I guess I should plan my time better and procrastinate less.. 


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