I don't like feeling the feelings

Right now, at this very moment, I'm not where I want to be. Because I'm sad and full of stress and life has somehow just gotten unbearably overwhelming all of a sudden. I'm hurting, and when I hurt I generally feel like doing something stupid. But that always makes everything twelve times worse. So, I'm trying so hard to just let all the sadness out, and to lean on God. Because:

And my heart is overwhelmed, but instead of using that as an excuse to sin, I can use it as a tool to glorify God. Which, is not an easy task. I would much rather just have some wine and watch sad movies or drown a car.
But, life isn't like that and we're constantly growing, and in this season of my life I'm learning to not let my emotions control my actions. 

I'm overwhelmed, and everything is difficult at the moment, but I'm not living for myself, nor am I living by myself. I'm living for God and He is always with me. So I don't need to feel overwhelmed for long.

Lecy x


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